Outlook Search Bar Moved to Top

Outlook Search Bar Moved

Microsoft Office, specifically Outlook, has updated over the past several months with design updates. You may have noticed a new location of the search bar. Microsoft pushed an Outlook update that moved the search box within Outlook to the top of the application window.

The search bar moving, not simply its position that has changed, though, per Microsoft the feature update is suppose perform faster searches and it does seem to do that. Microsoft has been working hard to overhaul the search engine used throughout Office and Windows. The evolution of Microsoft Outlook will continue, the search bar is merely one aspect.

How to Share Your Calendar on Outlook

Microsoft Outlook offers many useful features to make your work life easier. Today, we’ll dive into Outlook’s calendar sharing feature, which allows users to view each others’ availability.

As an employer, you know how important it is that your employees are all on the same page. One easy way to do that is to share your Outlook calendar! Sharing your calendar lets select people know your schedule, so that they can efficiently plan meetings, projects, etc. The best part is that you decide how much information that people can see, and who sees it.

There are many customization options available to you when you share your calendar. From the Calendar Properties box, you can dictate how much information is shared and if invitees can edit your calendar. You can also revoke calendar sharing at any time. Outlook’s calendar lets you be in complete control of your schedule, so let’s get into how to access these features!