Why Are Businesses Ignoring Security Threats?

A survey compiled at the RSA security conference showcases that lots of businesses are behind with proper security standards. Some companies are completely ignoring security threats due to lack of time or know-how. A trend that we want to stop right now!

Why are businesses not being proactive and implementing security protocols onto their company network? The answer may shock you. According to BleepingComputer, 26 percent of companies who have security bugs don’t have the time to fix them. This is mind boggling and scary! Businesses that are ignoring security threats need to implement a system to manage their network devices. For instance, perform updates during non-critical business hours. This way, when patches are made to the system, workers’ computers are not affected. Companies ignoring security threats are left wide open to hackers. Similarly, if a worker is not trained to spot security threats, chances are the computer may become compromised.

Small Business Guide For IT Support – Part 2 – Let’s Talk Backup

I began this blog series with an emphasis on helping small businesses save money when hiring a managed service provider. We provided a guide in the first blog entry about what to look for in a managed services organization and how partnering with an IT company can help the business save money and generate revenue. In this second part of the three part series, we discuss how important it is to backup all data and test these backups on a quarterly basis to perform a dry run in case this were an actual emergency.

Top 7 Tech Mistakes Made By Small Business

In my experience, “If it isn’t broken, why fix it?” is the common train of thought that is shared between business owners in regards to their technology.  I understand that decision-makers typically have countless other resources to manage and cannot be reasonably expected to stay up-to-date on the changing landscape of modern business technology. While larger corporations may have an IT department to handle this, most small businesses simply do not have those resources. Having managed IT projects for companies in many different verticals I’m hoping it will benefit others if I take a moment to discuss the common pitfalls and mistakes that are made in regards to the technology used by small businesses. I see these mistakes more often than I believe I should, and my goal is to not only describe what to do, but to also explain how and why these issues may affect your business.

PC Repair vs. Managed Service Provider

What is the difference of having a PC repair man versus partnering with a managed service provider? As a Managed Services provider, a lot customers have approached us with this same question. We thought we’d provide some insight into this excellent question and help people understand what the differences are between a one man PC repair person and a managed service provider.