Hooray Internet Explorer End of Life Support Is Coming!

This Is Goodbye Internet Explorer

Let’s begin the celebration! Microsoft recently announced all Internet Explorer versions 10 and lower will no longer be supported beginning January 12th, 2016. The announcement comes as Microsoft has began focusing on the company’s newest browser Edge. Microsoft is in the process of removing Internet Explorer on future PCs and begin pushing Edge as the new Windows browser. Edge is the web browser that comes shipped with Windows 10. Windows operating systems like Windows 7 and 8 cannot download Edge. Older versions of Windows will have Internet Explorer 11, which will continue to have support in the foreseeable future. As Microsoft slowly nudges users to the most recent stable version of Internet Explorer and reward early adopters of Windows 10 with Edge, the tech industry can finally begin to standardize for 2, eventually 1, web browser.

Top 7 Tech Mistakes Made By Small Business

In my experience, “If it isn’t broken, why fix it?” is the common train of thought that is shared between business owners in regards to their technology.  I understand that decision-makers typically have countless other resources to manage and cannot be reasonably expected to stay up-to-date on the changing landscape of modern business technology. While larger corporations may have an IT department to handle this, most small businesses simply do not have those resources. Having managed IT projects for companies in many different verticals I’m hoping it will benefit others if I take a moment to discuss the common pitfalls and mistakes that are made in regards to the technology used by small businesses. I see these mistakes more often than I believe I should, and my goal is to not only describe what to do, but to also explain how and why these issues may affect your business.