How to Share Your Calendar on Outlook

Microsoft Outlook offers many useful features to make your work life easier. Today, we’ll dive into Outlook’s calendar sharing feature, which allows users to view each others’ availability.

As an employer, you know how important it is that your employees are all on the same page. One easy way to do that is to share your Outlook calendar! Sharing your calendar lets select people know your schedule, so that they can efficiently plan meetings, projects, etc. The best part is that you decide how much information that people can see, and who sees it.

There are many customization options available to you when you share your calendar. From the Calendar Properties box, you can dictate how much information is shared and if invitees can edit your calendar. You can also revoke calendar sharing at any time. Outlook’s calendar lets you be in complete control of your schedule, so let’s get into how to access these features!

Is Your Business Safe From Cyberattacks?

Verizon’s annual Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) takes data from thousands of reported cybersecurity incidents and breaches in order to give business owners a snapshot of where cyberattacks are trending. Interestingly, small businesses account for over half of the victims of reported data breaches. Why do small businesses take up such a large part of the pie?

Cyberattacks can interrupt your daily operations (at best) or they can completely cripple your business (worst case scenario). We want to make sure that you don’t become a statistic! Read on to find out if your business is ready for a cyberattack, or if there are improvements that you can make to keep yourself secure.

How To Spot A Phishing Email

Phishing emails are the most common way for criminals to distribute malicious software or obtain sensitive information. Is your business safe from these attacks? We have some tips that you can follow to make sure your business doesn’t become a victim!

In a previous post, we gave you the top 3 email security tips for your business. Unfortunately, phishing emails are a more common occurrence now than ever before. According to Symantic, the average user may receive on average 16 phishing emails per month. With so many avenues of attack available to phishers, businesses should prioritize their security standards to make sure that they mitigate the risk of a compromised system.